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Sunday, June 2, 2013

Chicken Coop Plans - The 6 Central Elements

Building a chicken coop is a rather systematic process which you can only slightly deviate from. Regardless of whether you are planning to build a conventional coop, a free range chicken ranch, or even an A frame chicken enclosure, the fundamentals will always lie at the core which come from the chicken coop plans.
Chicken coop plans cover the entire spectrum of chicken houses, whether they are small, mobile coops or enormous chicken warehouses. However, every design comes with its own set of qualities and features that should be built to ensure the coop functions as desired. Nevertheless, these features are limited to six central elements that any coop should have regardless of their size, location, or purpose.
It is vital that you select the right kind of materials that will not be toxic to your chickens and will provide the coop with structural rigidity. It is also important that you can easily replace them in the event of damage from the weather or just simply, wear and tear.
Build for your respective climate to ensure your chickens are well insulated from either the cold or excessive heat. You also don't want to have your wood rotting, so treat your lumber to keep your coop standing.
Many plans tend to overlook the importance of ventilation and for that reason I urge you to plan accordingly and make sure you read the reviews on the plans you are going to use. Ventilation serves an important role in keeping the coop's air circulating well and keeps out any excess moisture or ammonia build up from the flock's feces. Sufficient ventilation should be accounted for because if you decide to overlook that aspect, you will begin to notice a direct effect on your chicken's health.
Depending on the size of your coop it is always important to consider how you are going to maintain and clean the coop. I would suggest using a detachable roof or a large enough side entrance where you can easily reach in to complete the routine maintenance.
Predators are the biggest threat to your chickens after hygiene and that is why you should be sure to take the necessary precautions. Netting on the top of the coop will keep out birds of prey and a deep fencing will ensure raccoons and other land animals do not dig their way into your chicken's home. Be sure to defend your chickens from the potential risk of predators by following some simple procedures outlined in most chicken coop plans on safeguarding the coop.
Not all coops have to be mobile, however if you do decide to build a mobile coop, there are some considerations to make as well as some advantages associated with them. It allows the keeper to move the coop to a location nearer to their feed and makes cleaning the coop significantly easier than a regular, stationary coop. Always to be sure to build a mobile coop with the right chicken coop plans to get you on the right track without any issues.
Chicken coop plans [http://howtobuildachickencooptoday.com/chicken-coop-plans/] are your best friend when it comes to building a chicken coop. Be sure to read some great articles on chicken coops here 

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7193556

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